Schoenherr Slovenia's partner Bojan Brežan and attorney at law Marko Frantar spoke at the 18th Civil and Commercial Law Days legal conference (XVIII. Dnevi civilnega in gospodarskega prava) taking place on 24 and 25 September 2020...
Schoenherr Slovenia's partner Bojan Brežan and associate Maks David Osojnik have contributed Slovenia chapter to the 2020 edition of the Lexology Getting The Deal Through – Dispute Resolution.The article gives a comprehensive and...
On 30 May 2020, the third Anti-COVID-19 legislative package was published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, introducing, among other measures, a screening instrument for foreign direct investments ("FDI"). This...
The fact that the COVID-19 epidemic will have a significantly negative impact on the economy has been more or less universally accepted. According to current projections, Slovenia will face a drop in GDP ranging from 6 % (according...
The Covid-19-related measures restricting movement and travel make general meetings ("GM") difficult to hold – particularly when foreign shareholders are involved – as the GM is typically held with shareholders being physically...
Legal 500 has once again recognised Schoenherr Slovenia as a leading law firm. In addition to the firm-wide ranking, the firm's partner Bojan Brežan has been recognised as a "leading individual". We are especially pleased and...
We are excited to announce that we have teamed up with AmCham Slovenia in participating in Gospodarski krog's United in Solidarity initiative (Skupaj solidarni).The United in Solidarity initiative is aimed at helping children...
One of the measures adopted in light of the Covid-19 epidemic in Slovenia is also the suspension of all non-urgent court proceedings, including enforcement proceedings, until further notice. This means that currently, creditors...
You are invited to read Schoenherr Slovenia's contribution to the International Comparative Legal Guide to: Mergers & Acquisitions 2020 prepared by our partners Vid Kobe and Bojan Brežan.The guide provides corporate counsels,...
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