Schoenherr Slovenia hosted "First Impression: From Slovenia to Studying Abroad" Event
19 July 2018
Schoenherr Slovenia has hosted the event "First impression: From Slovenia to Studying Abroad" (Prvi VTIS: iz Slovenije v svet), organised by the association VTIS (Association of Slovenians Educated Abroad) in cooperation with Schoenherr Slovenia.
The event was geared at students and researchers who are planning to study abroad. Speakers/alumni of foreign universities, amongst others lawyers of Schoenherr Slovenia, shared their own experiences about studying abroad.
The presentations were followed by a reception, where the participants and speakers had the opportunity to network and discuss relevant topics.
The VTIS Association was established with the aim of enhancing connections between Slovenian students and researchers at foreign education and research institutions. Schoenherr Slovenia is a leading sponsor of the VTIS Association.