Maks David Osojnik Attorney at Law
legal service
corporate/m&a, dispute resolution
admitted to the bar
with schoenherr since
Faculty of law, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana/Slovenia (2019)
working experience
Schoenherr, student, Ljubljana/Slovenia (2019)
Slovenian, English, Croatian
academic and other publications
- Chambers Collective Redress & Class Actions 2023 Global Practice Guide (2023)
- The end of intra-EU arbitration under the Energy Charter Treaty (Konec arbitraže na podlagi Pogodbe o energetski listini znotraj EU), no. 24, TFL Glasnik, Tax-Fin-Lex (in Slovenian) (2021)
- CSR trends in EU: Mandatory corporate due diligence on the horizon (Trendi na področju družbene odgovornosti podjetji v EU: na vidiku obvezen skrbni pregled za podjetja), co-author, no. 33, TFL Glasnik, Tax-Fin-Lex (in Slovenian) (2020)
- Lexology Getting the Deal Through – Dispute Resolution, chapter: Slovenia, co-author, Lexology (2020)
- Third-party litigation funding (Financiranje stroškov pravdnega postopka s strani tretjih oseb), co-author, no. 41-42, Pravna praksa (in Slovenian) (2020)
- Protection of foreign investments during measures due to the epidemic (Zaščita tujih investicij v času ukrepov zaradi epidemije), no. 19, Pravna praksa (in Slovenian) (2020)
- The Future of International Investment Law in European Union and its Member States (Prihodnost mednarodne investicijske arbitraže v Evropski uniji in njenih članicah), co-author, Podjetje in delo (in Slovenian) (2020)