"Marko is very meticulous and highly strategic. His advice is very well thought through, prepared with much diligence and takes into account different angles of a situation."
Marko Frantar Local Partner
Local partner in cooperation with SCHÖNHERR Attorneys-at-law – branch Slovenia
legal service
dispute resolution, real estate & construction, regulatory
admitted to the bar
2015, Slovenia
with schoenherr since
New York University School of Law, New York City/USA (LL.M. 2013)
Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana/Slovenia (2009)
working experience
Higher Court of Ljubljana, judicial trainee, Ljubljana/Slovenia (2010-2012)
European Court of Justice, stagiaire, Luxembourg (05-07/2011)
Slovenian, English, Spanish, Croatian, Serbian
academic and other publications
- Chambers Collective Redress & Class Actions 2023 Global Practice Guide (2023)
- Commercial leases – new regime (Najem poslovnih prostorov po razveljavitvi ZPSPP), Zbornik sodobno obligacijsko pravo, Tax-Fin-Lex (in Slovenian) (2021)
- Pre-emption right and equal terms of sale (Predkupna pravica in vprašanje enakih pogojev prodaje), p. 9, no. 2, Pravni letopis (in Slovenian) (2021)
- CSR trends in EU: Mandatory corporate due diligence on the horizon, co-author, no. 33, TFL Glasnik, Tax-Fin-Lex (in Slovenian) (2020)
- Warranty and Indemnity (W&I) Insurance (Zavarovanje jamstev iz prodajne pogodbe), p. 163-172, Pravni letopis (2020) (abstract is available here)
schoenherr publications
- Slovenia: New requirements for consumer-facing industries (2023)
- Better late than never: Slovenia last EU Member State to adopt GDPR implementing act (2023)
- Know Your Supply Chain: Proposal for EU-wide Mandatory Due Diligence Legislation (2020)
- Covid-19 Slovenia: Government anti-coronavirus support schemes for businesses (2020)
- Coronavirus info corner: cee legislation tracker: slovenia (2020)
- Beneficial Ownership Register (BOR) in Slovenia