03 June 2024

Poletna študentska praksa 2024

Si blizu zaključka študija in si želiš pridobiti praktične izkušnje? Imaš dobre študijske rezultate, veliko motivacije in posebno zanimanje za gospodarsko pravo?Ponujamo priložnost ambicioznim študentom v obliki enomesečne...
27 May 2024

Zaposlimo odvetniškega pripravnika ali odvetniškega kandidata (m/ž)

Kaj ponujamo delo v eni izmed vodilnih mednarodnih odvetniških pisarn v srednji in jugovzhodni Evropi, ki ima pisarne in predstavništva v 18 državah tega območja, delo na odmevnih in zanimivih projektih, zlasti tudi v...
13 March 2024

Navigating through the new additions to the Slovenian insolvency framework

The long-awaited amendment "H" of the Slovenian Financial Operations, Insolvency Proceedings and Compulsory Dissolution Act (the "Act") entered into force on 1 November 2023. The new provisions complete the transposition of...
01 February 2024

Slovenia: consumer litigation update – caveat creditor

There have been significant developments in litigation relating to retail banking products in Slovenia this past year. On the one hand, legacy mass litigations relating to loans granted in or linked to the Swiss franc have taken a...
30 June 2023

Navigating the foreign direct investment landscape: key changes and implications of the new Slovenian regime

Effective from 1 July 2023, a new foreign direct investment ("FDI") regime will come into effect in Slovenia, bringing significant changes to the scope and procedures surrounding FDI notifications.Scope of applicability and...
02 February 2023

Slovenia: New requirements for consumer-facing industries

The new Slovenian Consumer Protection Act (Zakon o varstvu potrošnikov; ZVPot-1; "CPA-1") became applicable on 26 January 2023. The act implements three EU directives, specifically Directive (EU) 2019/21611, Directive (EU)...
19 January 2023

Better late than never: Slovenia last EU Member State to adopt GDPR implementing act

On 15 December 2022, the Slovenian Parliament finally adopted the Data Protection Act (Zakon o varstvu osebnih podatkov, ZVOP-2, "ZVOP-2"), a national law implementing the EU General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR"). The act had...
22 December 2022

Chambers Collective Redress & Class Actions 2022 Global Practice Guide (poglavje za Slovenijo)

Strokovnjaki za področje reševanja sporov Bojan Brežan, Marko Frantar, Maks Osojnik in Miriam Gajšek so za publikacijo Chambers Collective Redress & Class Actions 2022 Global Practice Guide prispevali poglavje o kolektivnih tožbah...
22 March 2022

Joint venture exit clauses: from gamble to control

At the outset, a joint venture (JV) is accompanied by handshakes, a meeting of minds and a great business strategy. But in addition to the idea of pursuing a new business goal together and pooling resources to share the profits, it...